Anthony Babakhanian



Anthony began his legal career as a defense attorney, where he gained valuable insight into how injury cases are handled by defense attorneys and insurance companies. After spending two years on the defense side, Anthony joined Mardirossian Akaragian and began to fight for the rights of injury victims.

Anthony is dedicated to helping injured victims fight for the justice they deserve.

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About Anthony

During summers between school years, Anthony worked for the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office.

During law school, Anthony worked as a judicial extern for the Honorable Ronald S.W. Lew at the United States District Court for the Central District of California. This experience significantly sharpened his legal research and writing skills.

Anthony is a dedicated advocate and tireless supporter of his community. Anthony interned at the Permanent Mission of Armenia to the United Nations. Anthony is also a member of the Armenian Bar Association’s Armenian Rights Watch Committee. He was most recently appointed to the City of Glendale’s Human Relations Committee.

When he’s away from the Office, Anthony enjoys spending time playing the piano and guitar. Anthony is also an avid reader and follower of international relations.

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